Shabby Miss Jenn

December 20, 2013

Update on G

When we accepted G’s referral all we knew about her condition were the words:  repaired meningocele.  We had a vague idea of where the meningocele lesion was on her but that was about it.  We had no idea if she would ever walk or anything.  I, personally, didn’t really think about it that much while we were waiting.  Which is actually surprising since I am so prone to worrying about everything!  I think that was my Heavenly Father’s way of letting me know that it was all really going to be OK.  And it is.  

This girl is thriving.  She is walking without any assistance.  She is playing with anything and everything.  She is saying new words everyday and learning signs with her sister.  She is loving and playful and an absolute joy most of the time.  She is so VERY smart too.  With as many delays as she had when we got her it is amazing to see how far she has come in the last 4 1/2 months.  

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Before we left to China I set up an appointment at Scottish Rite Hospital for her.  They have a spina bifida clinic here and it is wonderful.  Her condition before it was repaired is really a mystery to us since we have no imaging (X-rays or MRI, etc.) and no history at all on her.  This first visit was just to answer a few of our many questions.  This visit was back in October when she was just barely starting to take a few steps on her own.  She was cruising around the furniture without problem but those steps without something to hold on to can be scary!  She had lots of fun cruising around all the chairs in the waiting rooms we visited that day.  

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This is her saying, “Uh, oh!” when the board came off of the tower.  It’s meant to be removed and the toy played with but she had no idea and quickly looked back at me like, “Help me fix it, Mom!"

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After an initial visit with the doctor we had some lunch and then said goodbye to Daddy and E who needed to head home and take care of the rest of the kiddos.  I stayed with G to get some x-rays and an abdominal ultrasound.  We had a little break between the chest and back x-rays and the ultrasound and G fell asleep right before they called us back.  Isn’t that always the way it happens?!  So she awoke to me laying her on some strange table and her shirt being removed.  Not a happy girl.  Luckily she has those fingers and they calm her down quickly!  

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She really freaked out when the lady put the goo on her side and started rubbing the ultrasound wand on it.  I was able to settle her down and soon she was fine.  We played with my phone for a little bit to pass the time.  

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After that was all done it was off for another x-ray.  A VCUG this time.  We were all really interested in seeing how she would react to this test.  If she cried and fussed a lot while they put the catheter in that would be a good sign that the nerves affected by her meningocele lesion weren’t damaged too badly.  She wasn’t happy about being undressed and put on another strange table but at least she wasn’t waking up to it this time.  She settled down much quicker this time.  

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There was a little TV screen of to her left and she could just barely see it if she turned her head up.  She figured out she could reach the on/off button with her hand shortly into the procedure.  Turning the TV off and on kept her pretty occupied.  She even learned to say ‘off' and ‘on’ after a while since I was repeating it as she was doing it.  Smarty pants!

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Have I mentioned how freaking adorable she is? 

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This procedure involves inserting a catheter into the urethra and then injecting a radioactive dye into the bladder.  This allows an x-ray to be taken of the organs not normally visible with an x-ray.  The second the tech tried to insert the catheter G started screaming.  The tech didn’t use any numbing medication on the first try because we really wanted to see whether she had feeling there or not.  And hallelujah when she started screaming!  The tech immediately stopped and used lidocaine the next time.  It was uncomfortable for G but not painful and once it was inserted she didn’t make a peep.  

Everything looked good with the x-rays and ultrasound.  We didn’t get a ton of answers today and we now have some more questions but at least we are moving towards knowing more about her condition.  We’ll go back for some more tests in January sometime including a sedated MRI so we can really get a good idea of what is going on back there and some more urologic tests.  The doctors and nurses (who see spina bifida patients all the time) all remarked how well she is doing.  One nurse even squealed in delight when she saw G wiggling her toes!  I guess that’s not something they see all the time.  

After the last x-ray was done we had a while to wait for Daddy and all the kids to come back into the city to get us.  I decided to take her for a walk outside since it was fairly nice out.  Once we got outside, though, the wind picked up quickly and big, dark clouds started moving in.  

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We packed up and got back inside just before it started raining.  G fell asleep pretty quickly after that since she had only gotten a mini nap before her ultrasound. I held for over an hour while she was sleeping and enjoyed every single minute of it.  Probably because I had a chair with arms on it!  :D

She could not be more perfect or beautiful.  We have certainly been blessed with this precious little girl in our family.  

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And how blessed we are to live so close to this wonderful place! I’m sure we’ll get to know it well.  

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December 3, 2013

First Trip to the Park

Yes, I’m playing catch-up - always.  I wanted to post these pictures, even though this happened waaaaay back in September!  

The girls didn’t quite know what to think about the park but they caught on quickly and eventually they were smiling and laughing and enjoying the swings and slide.  




This guy is rarely still long enough for me to snap a photo but I made him stop for at least one!


G wasn’t walking on her own yet but she was really loving all the bars to hold onto so she could move around independently.  She was adamant about doing lots all on her own.








We have since ventured out to a few different parks and they love it!  Especially E, who at first is wary but then, once she realizes all the stuff she can do, she is in heaven!  She loves to climb and go down the slides.  G loves to swing and could do that forever.  Now that she’s walking though I think I’ll be chasing after both of them! 

November 14, 2013

First Halloween

The girls’ first Halloween was a big hit!  We started off the festivities with the ward Trunk or Treat.  We actually crashed our old ward’s party since Granny and Pops, Brianne and John and Aunt Caitlin would all be there.  We got everyone all dressed up and of course, Mom had to have a photo shoot before we left!  


In case you can’t figure it out C - Ash Ketchum (Pokemon catcher/trainer extraordinaire); R - Ninja; M - nerd; E - Snow White; S - Bob the Builder; G - Minnie Mouse.  This was the first year that all the big kids didn’t get brand new costumes.  We have plenty from Halloween’s past and so I had them pick through that stuff.  M and C chose to make their own which translated into Mom making their costumes.  Not bad for throwing it together at the last minute.  E and G got new costumes since we don’t have any little girl stuff anymore.  They had no idea what the heck was going on, of course, but they were excited because the other kids were excited.  They both loved carrying around their little pumpkins.  



This cute little Minnie Mouse has started walking everywhere!  It seriously only took her about a week to figure it out and now she’s walking everywhere.  She is amazing! She’s also the cutest little Minnie Mouse I’ve ever seen!  That darn headband wasn’t very cooperative though!


And how about Snow White?  So excited!!



Bob the Builder and his super cheesy smile!


Ash is very serious about is Pokemon catching,


My little nerdlet.  



Apparently ninjas don’t need shoes. . . 


They do, however, have to remove their masks for photos so that their mothers can see their precious faces.  


We made it over to the Stake Center for the Trunk or Treat.  The sky was looking pretty gray but thankfully the rain held off until we got home.  It was so fun to be at the Trunk or Treat with all the cousins and Granny and Pops.  We had almost all the cousins there - just missing Josh and Mandy’s three up in Wyoming.  They were missed!!!






I wasn’t feeding this one her chicken nuggets fast enough apparently.  :)


Josh took E and S around to the cars while G and I stayed to hand out candy.  E LOVED it and had no clue that she was supposed to eat the candy in her bucket - yay!  She just loved collecting it all.  


We had lots of fun trying Ariel’s wig on everyone.  


E was not a huge fan.  (And yes, that is snot coming out of her nose.  ALWAYS.)


Even Granny got in on the fun!



G was not a fan either. 


But could be persuaded for a lollipop, perhaps.  


We had lots of fun!  Josh took the big kids and E out trick or treating through the neighborhood on Halloween.  G and I stayed home to hand out candy, which she loved.  She would get SO excited when someone would knock and would get mad at me if I handed out the candy without her.  So cute.  She also filled up her bucket from our big candy basket and then emptied it back into the basket over and over.  She loves transferring things from one receptacle to another.  I’d say Halloween was definitely a hit!