G did not sleep well last night and has started to wake up in the middle of the night wanting to be held. It's totally understandable, of course! She starts out in the crib but usually ends up in bed with me.
S's hand is looking much better this morning after two doses of his antibiotics and Priesthood blessing. So thankful for my good husband! I don't know what I would do without him!
We met the other adoptive family at breakfast today. They'll be going with us and our guide to meet their little boy this afternoon! After breakfast we took a walk around the neighborhood and ended up at Dairy Queen! Ice cream tastes a little different here. It doesn't have a strong vanilla or sweet flavor. It mostly tastes like flavored milk with a little sweetness. Definitely not my favorite. Our whole family took up the entire restaurant though! That was pretty funny.
We had several hours to kill between breakfast and leaving to go get E so after our walk we came back to the hotel and watched a lot of Discovery Channel. It was way too hot to be outside so there weren't many more options!
We met our guide in the hotel lobby and I realized I forgot all the paperwork and passports and had to run back to room! Doh! Luckily the guides plan for crazy Americans and give us all some extra time so we weren't late or anything. When we pulled up at the building we saw that E was waiting with her nannies outside! You can see a little bit of her right next to the lady looking at the camera here. That's the mom from the other adoptive family. She was asking me if this was our daughter. The Chinese lady in the red shirt is one of the orphanage workers (not the nanny.) The other Chinese lady in the red shorts is our second guide, Nancy. E's nanny isn't in this picture. You can see M saying hi to E for the first time.
E is tiny and feisty! She's wearing the dress we sent to her through the care package and it's way too big on her!
Josh picked her up and we walked inside the building where it was only slightly cooler. What is it with government buildings and no air conditioning?!
S was so excited and wanted to hug her! E was not as excited about meeting us though.
I ran back outside really quick to get a picture of the building.
And the entrance.
E immediately noticed S's lego toy and HAD to have it. S was such a sweetie and let her hold it. Little did we know that she would NOT be willing to give it back. :(
We tried some snacks to get her to warm up to us. She wasn't a fan of the puffs but liked the Cheerios OK.
We had to wait in the entry way for quite a while before someone came and unlocked the office we were supposed to go into. SO HOT! We finally made it into the office though. There were two separate air conditioning units and each family naturally gravitated to one. Ours promptly blew a fuse and so we got to sit in the heat, yet again. We were destined to be sweaty and hot in every picture this trip!
E needed a diaper change so the nanny did it one last time.
We brought her a bottle of water since it was so stinking hot and she immediately went to town on it. I had no idea if she would still take a bottle or what kind of nipple or if she'd drink water from it but I'm glad I took it because she was obviously thirsty!
Our guide helped us ask questions of the nanny and orphanage worker and they showed us the things they had brought with her. The nanny said that she was the nannies' favorite and very liked by all of them (yeah, right!). They said she wasn't picky at all with her food and would eat anything (yeah, right!) They said she took a bottle in the morning and at night of formula (yeah, right!) We asked them if we could visit the orphanage and they said they would let us know tomorrow.
This little guy was SO good. Sharing his toys and snacks. I was seriously amazed at just how good of a big brother he is! I really thought he would have more problems with it. What a sweetie!
After we signed a few papers we were ready for our "trying it out period". Or we thought we were. . .
We headed out to Carrefour - kind of like Walmart - to get some supplies. We needed a new stroller (or two!) since our last one had gotten bent and was very wonky. We ended up using it until Guangzhou though just because it was easier to have all the little ones in a stroller in all the crazy traffic.
We got some snacks, the formula that the nanny said E liked (yeah, right!), two strollers, and lots of water. We made it back to the hotel and started to get to know E.
We thought we would make it an easy night for dinner and something the kids would like so we ventured over to McDonald's. HUGE mistake. McDonald's is awful in the states but it's beyond awful in China. SO much worse! Gag! E wasn't a fan either and chucked the chicken nugget I gave her across the room! She would be willing to try some new things but would not hesitate to spit it out on the ground or in your face if she didn't like it, which was the case for most things we gave her.
After a dinner of mostly french fries we bathed all the kids. E is NOT a fan of the bathtub and screamed hysterically the entire time. CRAZY screamed.
I tried to give E a bottle but she looked at me like I was a crazy person and just chewed the nipple into pieces. She did not want to be held either. She was pretty exhausted from her long day though and eventually went to sleep after I held her for a bit. Josh had tried to get her to sleep for about 15 minutes before he handed her off to me.
We also had another load of laundry sent off today. It was the most expensive place of the whole trip! We spent about $120 US in Xi'an for about 4-5 days worth of laundry and almost $200 US here for the same amount! Crazy!