The girls’ first Halloween was a big hit! We started off the festivities with the ward Trunk or Treat. We actually crashed our old ward’s party since Granny and Pops, Brianne and John and Aunt Caitlin would all be there. We got everyone all dressed up and of course, Mom had to have a photo shoot before we left!
In case you can’t figure it out C - Ash Ketchum (Pokemon catcher/trainer extraordinaire); R - Ninja; M - nerd; E - Snow White; S - Bob the Builder; G - Minnie Mouse. This was the first year that all the big kids didn’t get brand new costumes. We have plenty from Halloween’s past and so I had them pick through that stuff. M and C chose to make their own which translated into Mom making their costumes. Not bad for throwing it together at the last minute. E and G got new costumes since we don’t have any little girl stuff anymore. They had no idea what the heck was going on, of course, but they were excited because the other kids were excited. They both loved carrying around their little pumpkins.
This cute little Minnie Mouse has started walking everywhere! It seriously only took her about a week to figure it out and now she’s walking everywhere. She is amazing! She’s also the cutest little Minnie Mouse I’ve ever seen! That darn headband wasn’t very cooperative though!
And how about Snow White? So excited!!
Bob the Builder and his super cheesy smile!
Ash is very serious about is Pokemon catching,
My little nerdlet.
Apparently ninjas don’t need shoes. . .
They do, however, have to remove their masks for photos so that their mothers can see their precious faces.
We made it over to the Stake Center for the Trunk or Treat. The sky was looking pretty gray but thankfully the rain held off until we got home. It was so fun to be at the Trunk or Treat with all the cousins and Granny and Pops. We had almost all the cousins there - just missing Josh and Mandy’s three up in Wyoming. They were missed!!!
I wasn’t feeding this one her chicken nuggets fast enough apparently. :)
Josh took E and S around to the cars while G and I stayed to hand out candy. E LOVED it and had no clue that she was supposed to eat the candy in her bucket - yay! She just loved collecting it all.
We had lots of fun trying Ariel’s wig on everyone.
E was not a huge fan. (And yes, that is snot coming out of her nose. ALWAYS.)
Even Granny got in on the fun!
G was not a fan either.
But could be persuaded for a lollipop, perhaps.
We had lots of fun! Josh took the big kids and E out trick or treating through the neighborhood on Halloween. G and I stayed home to hand out candy, which she loved. She would get SO excited when someone would knock and would get mad at me if I handed out the candy without her. So cute. She also filled up her bucket from our big candy basket and then emptied it back into the basket over and over. She loves transferring things from one receptacle to another. I’d say Halloween was definitely a hit!