This sweet little nugget turned two near the end of last month but I’m behind on blogging (as usual). We also moved to a new city right after her birthday so that didn’t help me either! We celebrated it up before we moved though. First was a celebration at Granny’s house before my sister’s family went out of town for Spring Break.
She had NO idea what was going on! Daddy helped her out and showed her how to blow out the candles.
It didn’t take long for this little smarty pants to catch on.
Then it was off with her shirt so she could have some cake. She was not about to get her hands all dirty (my dainty and very tidy little girl!) so Daddy fed her cake and ice cream.
The cousins/brothers/sisters LOVE it when it’s a birthday!
After everyone had their cake and got cleaned up, it was time for presents!
She totally has presents figured out. :)
Although I had to convince her that the presents were the things inside the wrapping paper - not the wrapping paper itself. This girl loves to gather up trash and throw it away. She excitedly hops up and down after I change her diaper chanting, “Trash? Trash? Trash?” just waiting for me to hand her the diaper to throw away.
Not the greatest picture of M (she’s trying to look like a weirdo), but you can see Pops holding a bag for G to put all the paper in.
This is the very cool Klip Klop Castle my parents got for her. The little horses make the cutest clip-clop noises as they slide down the slides. The kids all love to play with it. G was still gathering trash while the others were playing with it at first.)
G also loves bags - anything with a handle that she can stuff things into and put over her shoulder. She’ll stuff it full, slip it on and wave bye-bye to me like she has an important meeting to get to. She’s the cutest.
She also LOVES to look at anyone’s phone.
Eventually she figured out that this toy was more fun than the trash and sat down to play.
On her actual birthday we did a couple of fun things. I tried giving her two little ponytails and they were teeny but they stayed in all day. So cute!
This one is blurry but girlfriend knows when to pose!
One not so fun thing we decided to do was to take her and big sister to the mall to play and get their ears pierced. I’ve been wanting to do it since they got home but we weren’t sure about all the tests they would need and didn’t want to have to take out the earrings for an MRI or something. So we waited until pretty much everything had been done. The piercing went about as expected. E went first and was totally cool until the gun went off.
There was a lot of screaming and I had to physically hold her still and pry her head away from her neck so the other side could get done. She fought that second ear like crazy! I though for sure she would calm down when she saw what the result was since she has ALWAYS been fascinated by my earrings. She loves to play with anyone’s earrings. My mom even lets her take out and put back in the one’s she’s (my mom) is wearing. She is braver than I am! Anyway, I immediately took her to the mirror but I should have known that wouldn’t help as she won’t look in a mirror for more than a second. It’s like she doesn’t know that she is looking at herself . . . but that’s a whole different blogpost for another time. She calmed down after some hugs and holding by Daddy.
We kept G outside of the store so she wouldn’t get afraid of E’s reaction. Worked like a charm. She was happy as a clam sitting on my lap in the ear gun chair. :)
This sweetie is SO cooperative with any kind of procedure. This was no exception. I held her arms down just in case but there was no need for it. She definitely started crying but never even moved on my lap. Didn’t try to squirm away or anything.
These pictures make it look so awful, but It was really over and done with pretty quickly. I gave her lots of hugs and kisses and she was done crying by the time we walked from the back of the store out the front. If you’re asking why we did this at all, I just think it’s better to get this done while they’re little. We did M’s when she was about 9 months old and I never regretted it. They’re too little to constantly play with them or take them out or really resist getting that second ear done. ;) Plus they’ll never remember it. I totally remember getting mine done. I was traumatized for life by it! Not really but I DO remember it! Hahaha
So after the trauma, we went down to the play area. We assigned each of the older kids to a little one and it worked like a CHARM. SO great!
M was assigned to G because she’s the only one strong enough to lift her over and over. She doesn’t have the nickname “Buddha” for nothing. ;)
C was assigned to E because he is the sweetest little boy with her. Seriously. He is so kind and patient with her even when the rest of us are not. He is such a good example to me. Love that kid! (Plus she’s the smallest and he can lift her!)
These are actual smiles from this girl! We don’t see this very often so it’s fun to see. :)
R had S most of the time since they are like PB&J most of the time anyway, but everyone loves to squish this girl.
We had dinner, played hard and ate cookies. I think the girls completely forgot about the ear piercing trauma until we got home and had to clean them before bed.