(Originally posted on our family blog on 12/22/12)
Some of you may be wondering where we are in the adoption process. Here's a little timeline of the process and what we've completed so far:
08/21/12 - Contract and a million other things sent to IFS (International Family Services, our adoption agency)
08/24/12 - Biographies done and sent (most annoying and time consuming document ever! Josh and I each had to complete one.)
09/17/12 - All documents needed before the Homestudy could be scheduled turned in (We would have had this done sooner except that I couldn't find my Social Security card and had to apply for a new one and wait for its arrival. We also had to get a physical for every member of the family and a form filled out by the doctors, so we had to wait on those as well.)
09/15/12 - Training done (we had to complete 20+ hours of training regarding international adoption. This included watching some videos online, reading a lot, writing reports, and taking several tests.)
10/06/12 & 10/13/12 - Homestudy visits done (Social worker came to our home twice and interviewed each of us, including the kids, and did a quick inspection of the home. He used this information and our biographies and other paperwork to compile a report about us and determine whether or not we're fit for adoption.)
12/05/12 - Final Homestudy report received - FINALLY!
12/05/12 - I-800A application sent to Homeland Security
01/03/13 - Biometrics date with the FBI (fingerprints for I-800A approval)
???? I-800A approval letter (hopefully we'll receive this within 1-2 weeks of the fingerprints)
???? China Dossier sent (more paperwork - basically a snapshot of the family to send to China along with the I-800A approval and a copy of the Homestudy)
That's where we're at right now. There's still a HUGE list of things to do (this is probably 1/3 of the total) and hoops to jump through but once we get these things done, which should be in the next 3-4 weeks, then they can start sending us pictures and files of babies! We'll get any pictures or videos that might be available and a complete medical history of one baby at a time to review for 48 hours. We can send the information to a doctor if we'd like help in making the decision. We can say yes or no to that baby. If we say no, then she'll go back into the system for another family to pick, or if we say yes, she'll be locked out of the system and on her way to being ours. I am really not sure how we'd be able to say no to any child. We'll review all of the medical documents thoroughly and of course pray about the decision, but I don't think I'll be able to look at the pictures until we've made a decision. I'm sure if I see the picture I'll say yes, no matter what!
Josh and I had the opportunity to go to Houston a couple of weekends ago for our anniversary (16 years!) and so we jumped at the chance to go visit our adoption agency as well. It was so nice to put a face to the name of someone we've been emailing constantly. Kim, the China Adoption Coordinator, was so nice to sit and talk with us and answer our all questions. We both walked out of there without a doubt that we had chosen the right agency and way more comfortable with our knowledge of the whole process than before. She estimates that we're still looking at end of August/beginning of September for our trip around the world. It could be sooner depending on how quickly the Chinese government works but it could also be later. All we can do is get our stuff done quickly and hope for the best!
After much prayer and thought we've decided to adopt two babies. Josh has been on board with the thought of two for quite a while. It's been a much harder decision for me. I KNOW this is what we're supposed to do. My answer came very quickly but this is a really big thing to wrap my head around and that's what's taken me so long. This will basically be like having triplets! I have no idea how I'm going to do this, but at this point all I can do is have faith that Heavenly Father knows how and that I can. I realize I'm not alone in this but for a good portion of the day I will be the only adult here. With 6 children. Three of which will be under the age of 3. It'll help that the older kids will all be home throughout the day, but at some point during that day I've got to homeschool them as well, so that just adds other worries. Oh well, I guess we'll figure it out when that time comes!
One more thing, we found another Suburban (with a bench instead of the bucket seats in the middle) so now we can fit 6 kids in our car, and we bought it back in November. We were able to sell ours within a week or so as well. It only cost us about $3000 to upgrade the car and we were planning on a lot more, so we are very thankful for that! Another main concern has been the additional cost of adopting another baby. It will definitely be cheaper than if we decided to adopt another baby two years from now but there will definitely be an increase now too. Josh immediately started praying about how we could do this and shortly after that we got several re-roof jobs (which is NOT a common thing this time of year!) We have been saving like crazy and have had a good year with the business too. We have much to be thankful for! Everything has fallen into place with this adoption fairly easily and quickly so far. We have seen so many blessings already. That just testifies to me that we are doing the right thing. (I'm sure I've just jinxed myself - watch everything from here on out be super difficult now!!)
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