Shabby Miss Jenn

August 29, 2013

Day 7 - Thursday

We went to the Xi'an City Wall.  City walls are a common thing in the larger cities (almost every city we went to had one, I think) but Xi'an has a totally intact one.  The city is much larger than it used to be so there is a city still within the city wall and the city on the outside of the wall.  So the City wall is actually in the middle of the city now.  I didn't really know what to expect but it was pretty amazing!  

Here is a view of it from before we got there.  


After waiting for quite a while in the tourist traffic to get out at the City Wall we finally decided to just get out and walk a little bit.  I was a little freaked out about letting the kids walk in the crazy-driver streets but they were able to walk along the curb at the City Wall and our van.  We did have two strollers though.  Celine bought our tickets - nothing's free in China, not even the napkins!  We walked through one of the main gates - CRAZY HUGE! - and then saw the steps we'd have to walk up.  With two strollers.  Ugh!

Once we got up (huffing and puffing) the view was pretty awesome.  This was the view straight in front of us as we walked up the steps.  


Then, turning to the right, this was the view.  This is a watchtower or the place where the soldiers would stay or have their headquarters. 


Then, turning farther to right, across the courtyard is another tower - a much bigger one that now houses a museum of sorts.  You can see one of the entrances below.  The one we entered through is directly opposite it.  


Here's a better view of the courtyard.  This was actually used as a trap back in the city wall days.  If the enemies broke through the gates (where the bus in going through) then they would be trapped here in this courtyard and all the archers would be able to attack them before they made it up the stairs.  (The stairs are right below where I am standing taking this picture and run parallel along the wall.)


The architecture is amazing.  Everything is so ornate and beautiful.  Most of these buildings are original and have only been repainted or minimally repaired.  There are other post buildings every 300 ft or so on the wall.


We had a great view of the city down below.  There was a group of men playing some traditional Chinese music right here (aka cats dying).  


There was a huge shopping mall just on the other side of the wall.  That's Sandra Bullock on one of the billboards.  One thing I found very strange and is that there are very few logos for businesses and stores.  Everything is just a Chinese Character.  Even 7-11's.  We could tell they were 7-11's by the colored bands but it was still just Chinese characters.  Walmart did have their name in English and their little star logo though.  


This is the opposite side of the wall across from the mall.  There is a moat (the river) that is hard to see in this photo and a park that is currently undergoing renovations.  



Here's what the boys did the entire time up on the wall - run!  I think S ran the entire way after we let him out of the stroller.  



Here's what G did most of the time - sleep!



I sure love this kid. 


Every new year they put up a display of the zodiac animal for that year up here.  This year is the snake.  


It's a big ol' snake!



Here's a better view of the moat.  We were heading back to the entrance and to the big building/museum.  


This picture was taken from the big huge building/museum and now you can see the entrance and the steps we climbed while carrying up the two strollers with two babies in them.  HEAVY!



This child never runs out of energy.  He runs to his bed every night!


After visiting the museum (not very interesting) we then climbed back down the steps and found our van.  I got a few city shots in the van on the way back to the hotel.


Scooters with tons of people are everywhere.  So are bicycles.  EVERY.WHERE.


I don't know how well you can see the traffic in this picture but it's a good representation of how the Chinese consider lane markings to just be a guideline.  No one really uses the lanes.  If there's an opening (like the shoulder or any space at all between two vehicles) it's another lane! 


The drivers don't wait for an opening to merge into a new road either.  There's hardly a pause - they just go!  It was terrifying all the time.  I just tried not to look out the window too much!

After the City Wall, Celine took us to a jade factory.  We wanted to get a souvenir for G here and Sha'anxi province is known for its jade.  They had some seriously amazing pieces there but they didn't allow photos.  We ended up getting a pendant for G with a dragon (her zodiac animal - same as mine!) on it. It is a jadeite pendant, which is supposed to be the very best kind of jade and something that Sha'anxi is known for.  That's what they told us gullible Americans anyway!

After that we were pretty tired and headed back to the hotel to rest for a bit.  I can't remember now what we did for lunch but I think we either just snacked or had some cup of noodles we'd gotten at Walmart the day before. 

Later in the afternoon we took a walk around the hotel and found the table tennis room.  We had it all to ourselves for about 20 minutes and then some other guests showed up, smoking no less, and we didn't stay much longer after that.  But mostly because the kids were being so crabby and whiny!

I think Josh is the only one who actually knows how to play ping pong.  I don't think I've ever even tried it before this day.  Josh tried teaching all the kids but they weren't being very cooperative.  






S wanted to play so bad.  Josh helped him a little but he's a little too short and didn't really want any help anyway.  



 He ended up picking up S and playing that way.  S was not a fan.  


G had fun chasing ping pong balls all over the room.  The floor was way dirty though and her little hands and the top of her feet were black after I picked her up!



C is loving being a big brother to this sweet little sister.  She loves him right back too.  Very cute!

Josh and M went to get us some dinner while I stayed back at the hotel with the other kids.  They ended up with some sweet and sour pork, pumpkin congee for G and some cake.  Apparently there is a bakery on the way to the restaurant.  :)

The kids have been playing on minecraft quite a bit and that's all they talk about.  I have no idea what they're talking about but they're all playing together so that's good I guess!

G starting to cry more - not sure if she is just figuring out that she's stuck with us or just overtired?  She definitely wants me more than anyone else though and has started refusing the kids now too.  She also refuses bottles and seems genuinely confused when I stick one in her mouth.  So glad we wasted that money on expensive Chinese baby formula!  She won't drink milk at breakfast either but I think that's because it's cold.  She hates anything cold.  She will drink water and is staying very hydrated.  She's been sleeping well up until tonight.  She's also been sleeping in the bed with me and that seems to comfort her.

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